GREEN Foundation
At the GREEN Foundation, we are driven by a powerful vision: a world where vulnerable communities are climate resilient, and our sectors and systems operate with carbon neutrality. Our core mission centers on biodiversity conservation and regenerative agriculture, guided by agro-ecological principles and a deep respect for planetary boundaries. By combining these approaches, we are working towards a sustainable, equitable and resilient future. Together, we can create a world where people and the planet thrive together, safeguarding our natural resources for generations to come.
Our Work
Agrobiodiversity Conservation
Conservation of indigenous seed varieties has been at the core of GREEN Foundation’s work since 1994…
A collaborative approach which involves farmers and other stakeholders in verifying the authenticity of organic produce…
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable agriculture is the production of plant and animal products in a way that uses farming techniques to protect the environment…
Research and Communication
Research enables us to achieve our goals in Sustainable Agriculture and Agro-biodiversity conservation.
News & Events
Our Reach
The five project sites of GREEN along with the number of farmers it impacts are as follows:
Ramanagara District, Kanakapura Taluk – Community Seed Bank, Regenarative Agriculture and Bio-input Resource Centre
Kalaburagi District, Sedam Block – Community Seed Bank and Bio- input Resource Centre
Chikkabellapur District, Bagepalli Block – Agrobiodiversity Conservation
Tamil Nadu
Pudukkottai District, Tiruvarangulam and Karambakudi block – Community Seed Bank and Bio-Input Resource Centre
Madhya Pradesh
Bankhedi District, Hoshangabad – Agrobiodiversity Conservation
Kanker District, Kanker – Community Seed Bank and Bio Input Resource Center
Our Reach
The five project sites of GREEN along with the number of farmers it impacts are as follows:
Ramanagara District, Kanakapura Taluk – Community Seed Bank, Regenarative Agriculture and Bio-input Resource Centre
Kalaburagi District, Sedam Block – Community Seed Bank and Bio- input Resource Centre
Chikkabellapur District, Bagepalli Block – Agrobiodiversity Conservation
Tamil Nadu
Pudukkottai District, Tiruvarangulam and Karambakudi block – Community Seed Bank and Bio-Input Resource Centre
Madhya Pradesh
Bankhedi District, Hoshangabad – Agrobiodiversity Conservation
Kanker District, Kanker – Community Seed Bank and Bio Input Resource Center
Group Partners
Group Partners
GREEN Foundation welcomes volunteers, who are committed to contribute substantially in terms of concepts and field work.